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The White Lake Mirror
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Friday, Jan. 3, 2025
The White Lake Mirror

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Art wall to be removed

WHITEHALL — The public art wall that became available in Whitehall last summer will officially be removed once weather permits. After facing a lot of controversy due to profanity and inappropriate art being painted on the wall since the beginning, the Michigan Department of Transportation contacted the City of Whitehall stating that the tunnel belongs to them and the art is required to be removed as soon as possible.
At previous Whitehall city council meetings, council members and citizens voiced many concerns about the art wall. A main concern has been the appearance of the art wall and the possible effect it would have on the new Harwood Flats apartments currently being built directly across from the art wall and how it would make future possible tenants feel.
Avery Jura, recent Whitehall graduate, pitched the idea of the art wall in July. He felt it was important that youth and Whitehall civilians of all ages have the opportunity to explore their creativity in a unique fashion. Jura was not present at the council meeting to comment.
“Initially we got exactly what Avery presented,” Whitehall city manager Scott Huebler said. “As with almost every piece of art, there are people that love it and people that hate it. Then it just got out of hand. Two weeks ago, there was painting outside the tunnel, and it had some vulgar and derogatory words.
“It was a great idea and great effort by Avery but it just spiraled out of control...Some people will be mad we pained over it, but at least we won’t have to worry about criticism on the content.”