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The White Lake Mirror
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Friday, Sept. 20, 2024
The White Lake Mirror

Discussion of snowmobile use at Whitehall work session

WHITEHALL — At Tuesday’s city council work session, a resident of Tannery Bay spoke during public comment about the 2022 ordinance which allows the use of snowmobiles on Lake Street. She stated Lake Street is the only access point to the complex for residents and visitors, and that snowmobilers have been riding on the sidewalk just outside of the complex. She argued this could create hazardous conditions for both the snowmobilers themselves, and the people that are coming and going out of the two exits and entrances. She also stated that other Tannery Bay residents regularly use the sidewalk, even during the winter and on snowy days.
“If it was going to be groomed as a snowmobile spot, it would no longer be shoveled,” Tannery Bay resident Chris Billie said. “This year, many people outside of Tannery Bay complained to us residents, asking why Tannery had stopped shoveling the sidewalks on Lake Street and that they were now being forced to walk in the street. We explained it wasn’t us; we didn’t stop shoveling.”
Whitehall Police Chief Roger Squiers and council member Scott Brown said they believe the sidewalk pathway connects to the rail trail that goes along the front of Tannery Bay and that can be confusing for snowmobilers, especially when not shoveled. Squiers, along with council members, do not support the use of snowmobiles on sidewalks.
Local snowmobiler Mike Bradford spoke after Billie, stating he believed the 2022 ordinance was put in place to prevent snowmobilers from riding on the sidewalks in front of Tannery Bay, where they would have to obey all the local rules and regulations of speed and traffic laws. He suggested adding signs to help alleviate the problem. He recognizes his snowmobile would damage the cement sidewalk if he were to ride on it and it in turn would not be good for his snowmobile. He also supports the city starting to plow or shovel that area of sidewalk to make it more clear and visible.
No official decisions have been made at this time as to what will be done about this.