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The White Lake Mirror
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Friday, Sept. 20, 2024
The White Lake Mirror

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Third Float-a-Palooza set for Aug. 24

The White Lake Snow Farmers will put on their third annual Float-a-Palooza fundraising event next Saturday, Aug. 24, aiming to get closer to breaking the world record for a connected flotilla.
That record is unlikely to fall this year, but the Snow Farmers hope to get 700 or more people into White Lake in their kayaks. The first Float-a-Palooza brought 379 kayakers to the water, and last year there was a modest increase to “a little over 450,” said the Snow Farmers’ John Hanson.
The 2023 event raised money to help the Snow Farmers work towards upgrading the machine they use to create synthetic snow to be used in the area.
“We’re hoping to get a much nicer machine that will make snow in less ideal conditions,” Hanson said. “The one we have, everything has to be perfect to make snow, humidity and temperature, and we didn’t have much of a winter last year so it was very difficult. If we get a better machine, it will open up our options.”
The organization creates snow to use on the Hanson Street sledding hill in Whitehall and has created snow for themed parties at North Grove Brewers in the past. They also fired off snow during the July 4 parade.
Hanson added that the group tried to create snow for the Montague sledding hill as well, but the lack of a conveniently located fire hydrant prevented that plan.
“The easy access fire hydrant is across the road atop the main hill, and we can’t close (Dowling) Street down,” Hanson said.
For this year’s Float-a-Palooza, Hanson said, the Snow Farmers are no longer providing shuttles from NBC Middle School to the launch site because hardly anybody used them last year. Instead, the Snow Farmers will provide support to those putting their kayaks in the water at two launch sites - Covell Park in Whitehall and the Montague boat launch. The Snow Farmers used to spread to many more launch sites in the area but found they were too far away for people to conveniently reach the flotilla.
As at the previous two Float-a-Paloozas, local musician Tommy Foster will provide live entertainment on a boat in the middle of the lake, around which the flotilla will gather. This year, Hanson said, there will be a special treat for participants, who will all receive a koozie and a kazoo - “a kazoozie,” Hanson called the combo - and will be invited to join in with their kazoos for one particular song during Foster’s performance.
“It will be a surprise, but I’m sure it will be something everybody can play,” Hanson said.
Registration for the Float-a-Palooza costs $12 and can be completed online at Hanson said registrants will receive $20 of coupons from local businesses at pickup prior to the event.
The Snow Farmers are optimistic this year’s rendition of the Float-a-Palooza will be its best yet.
“We’re getting a lot of interest, a lot of inquiries,” Hanson said. “A lot more people are following the event on Facebook. It’s sounding good.”